After many years of being a webmaster, it is time to share with you the experience of choosing a domain registrar.
Dynadot is famous with its free API, which can be used to register and manage domains programatically. Domain drop-catchers can use this API in an automatic way to register a domain right at its drop time. Quite a few domain registrars support API including Moniker, eNom, ResellerClub, NameSilo, Fabulous,, RRPproxy, Hexonet, but most need a deposit. Another thing need to mention about Dynadot is that you can find a Grace Time label near the domain you just purchased, which probably means you can cancel the registration within that period(not sure). If so, it would be a good news for SEO fans because they can register a domain, publish the website immediately, and see if the domain is punished by the search engine. If that domain name is under punishment(no rank in the search results), you may cancel the registration. The price 9.99$, however, is not the cheapest considering privacy protection is not included in that price.
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